Filtering by: self-empowerment

Purpose in the Park: Soul Sanctuary Invitation Series
to Jul 14

Purpose in the Park: Soul Sanctuary Invitation Series

  • Hennepin Park Gazebo (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lynette Angus LCSW-R and Rhonda Bartholomew are excited to invite you to discover personal power, life purpose and mindful presence by attending their first Invitation Series! Inside the beautiful Hennepin Park Gazebo in Lewiston, our workshop invitations are to be held on the following Summer Sundays from 1-4 pm: June 23rd, June 30th, July 7 and July 14th. Scroll up to visit Our Services and select Workshops to reserve your workshop date at the Gazebo now! Attend each Invitation for a $22 investment or select the Find Your Missing Peace package and enjoy our entire 4-invitation series for $66 to attend our 4th workshop for free! Join us to find your missing Peace and Purpose!

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2 Day Retreat: Struggling Less Leads to Success: Your Road Map to Source
to Nov 11

2 Day Retreat: Struggling Less Leads to Success: Your Road Map to Source

Learn powerful techniques to transform and improve your personal health, relationships, prosperity and peace of mind
Manifest the life you are seeking through guided spiritual transformation
Energize, Engage, and Elevate your personal power to move from the back seat to the driver's seat of your life.
Meet others of like mind to share this special time of healing, light and laughter.

Your $249 weekend retreat investment includes 1 night accommodation in beautiful Lewiston, all education materials, all meals, refreshments and beverages. Activities include: healing your inner child, connecting to nature, walking a Labyrinth, various guided meditations and visualizations as well as additional activities that will allow you to strengthen your connection to Your Personal Power. Evening activities include inspirational movie viewings, crafts, nature walks...whatever spirit moves you to do as this time is yours to retreat back to yourself and your power to create from within!

Click HERE to take advantage of our Early Bird special!
Registration after Oct. 10th will be $279.


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Sacred Circles
7:00 PM19:00

Sacred Circles

Come out for an evening of fun and enlightenment to celebrate the summer solstice.  Connect with women and learn we are all in the journey of life together.  Your $22 investment includes all beverages, refreshments and educational material to enlighten your enchanted evening.  Click HERE to reserve your goddess seat now and awaken your feminine spirit.

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